Addiction Treatment Center in Turkey
Addiction Treatment in Turkey and Stages of the Treatment Process
Addiction Treatment in Turkey
Addiction is a behavioral disorder and brain disease, where a person becomes dependent on a specific substance or habit that they can no longer quit voluntarily. Addiction usually begins from curiosity. Before using the substance, the person feels a mixture of curiosity and fear. If curiosity overcomes fear, they may try the substance, believing they can stop whenever they want. However, this belief fades with continued use, leading to dependency.
Factors Influencing Addiction Treatment
Treatment depends on factors like the type of substance, dosage, duration of use, and personal motivations. The surrounding environment, including family and friends, plays a crucial role in the success of addiction treatment in Turkey.
Stages of Addiction Treatment in Turkey
Although treatment may vary, patients generally experience these stages:
- Withdrawal Period:
This is the hardest phase, lasting until the end of the first month. The patient experiences physical and mental struggles, with emotions fluctuating. Medical supervision is essential, and patients often stay in the hospital under 24-hour care. - Motivation and Euphoria Stage:
From the first to the third month, patients feel better as cravings diminish. They start to regain normalcy in their daily life, hobbies, and work. - Despair and Boredom Stage:
Between the third and sixth months, patients may feel depressed and bored, longing for their previous life. Family support and continued contact with the treatment team are crucial. - Starting a New Life:
After the sixth month, patients start to build a new, stable life. Emotions stabilize, and they feel more in control.
Medical and Scientific Approaches in Addiction Treatment in Turkey
- Individual Psychotherapy:
Through personal interviews and psychological tests, therapists identify the underlying causes of addiction and develop a treatment plan.Common Tests:
- Computerized Tests: COG, SPM, DAUF, NVLT, TOVA, MOXO
- Projective Tests: Rorschach, Tat-Cat
- Intelligence Tests: WISC-R, WAIS, CAS
- Other Tests: MMPI, TCI, SCID 2, NPT, ASI
- Group Therapy:
Group therapy involves multiple individuals with similar issues, sharing experiences and supporting each other under professional guidance. - Medication:
Medication may be prescribed to reduce cravings. However, it is often combined with other treatments for full recovery. - Deep Brain Stimulation Therapy:
Deep TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) helps to stimulate brain regions affected by addiction. - Family Training:
Addiction affects both the individual and their family. Families learn how to support their loved one during and after treatment.
Addiction Treatment Steps at Dr. Al-Akkad’s Center
Each patient’s treatment plan is personalized. Dr. Al-Akkad’s center uses evidence-based medicine, applying scientific methods supported by studies and statistics.
Psychological Assessment
Dr. Al-Akkad’s center conducts organized interviews and psychological tests for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
Service Program
The center provides a range of services to make treatment more effective:
- Good Morning Meetings: Reviewing the previous day’s experiences and planning for the day.
- Visits: Patients are visited individually by the medical team.
- Council Visits: Weekly team meetings discuss additional treatment options.
- Interactive Groups: Covering topics like communication, anger management, stress, and impulse control.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy helps patients understand addiction’s impact, recognize triggers, and develop coping skills. It’s essential for understanding psychological factors and improving problem-solving skills.
Group Therapy
Group therapy enhances treatment effectiveness by allowing patients to share experiences and support one another.
For those considering addiction treatment in Turkey, Dr. Al-Akkad’s team offers direct consultations. After assessing your condition, they will provide a comprehensive treatment plan, including stages, costs, and details, ensuring confidentiality.
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