medical anesthesia
Anesthesia is done by using medicines and drugs to make the patient lose total or local sensation to a specific part of his body in order to facilitate the conduct of small and major surgeries and to undergo therapeutic procedures to prevent him from feeling pain.
Anesthesia may take different forms:
General anesthesia: in which the patient loses consciousness, feeling and feeling any stimuli completely.
Local and partial anaesthesia: In this form, the disease is partially anesthetized using narcotics, so that the patient does not lose consciousness or feeling completely. Only the sensation of pain in the anesthetized area. Partial anesthesia differs from local anesthesia in that the former is used for a wider area of the body. As for local anesthesia, a specific organ will be operated on or a medical procedure will be performed on it.
Things that patients must adhere to before performing the operation:
To be hungry before the operation.
Blood thinners should not be used for two weeks before the operation.
Smoking must be quit until the day of the operation, and smoking must be quit for the sake of health.
The doctor must be informed about the medications the patient is using and the health problems he was previously suffering from.
The medical staff who anesthetizes the patient has an important role before performing the operation for the patient. In the anesthesia room, he performs the anesthesia procedures after identifying the patient’s conditions by communicating with him directly if he is in a condition that allows him to speak or by taking information from the patient’s companions. Thanks to modern anesthesia methods, in some operations, the patient does not stay for a short time after the operation in the hospital.